Monday, 14 January 2013

OOTD - 14/01/13

I have no idea if it's snowing all over the UK or not, but were I live in Nottingham it is most defiantly snowing!!!

I'm not going to lie to you all, I am not to biggest fan of snow. I just can't understand why people love it so much, it's wet and get's you stupidly cold? But anyway, I have a doctor's appointment later, and being home alone, I'm going to have to venture out, so heres what I'm wearing today...

I'm not going to show you my trousers, or coat because I've mentioned both in previous posts, and I don't want it to seem like I'm repeating myself. I never wear jewellery when the weather is horrible ether as I never really see the point.

Jumper: Dorothy Perkins - I never ever look in this shop, but a year ago I really wanted a baggy cream jumper with cute detailing like this one. My mum suggested looking and I fell in love, it was tight fitting but I bought it in a size 14 so it is a lot baggier than it should be. It was around £60.

Hat: Vintage - I am totally obsessed with fur at the moment, as you will be able to tell from this post!! My mum gave me this hat from when she was my age and I totally love it. When on it looks like a fur headband but it keeps the top of my head dry also, which is perfect for the snow!

Scarf: Primark - (Below) I've had so many compliments on this scarf, and I still can't believe it was from Primark! It keeps my neck super warm, and the leopard detailing isn't too overpowering, like it sometimes can be. It goes perfect with a plain outfit, and for £4.50 it's a bargain nobody can refuse!

I'm sorry this post has been so short, and I really haven't posted much recently, but I've been so busy with exams and such things I really haven't had the time!

Have a lovely rest of your day!

Gabby X

Twitter - @gabbynewmanx
Instagram - gabbynewmanx
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Monday, 7 January 2013

Revision Tips..

I know what you're all thinking, why is she doing a revision tips post on a fashion blog?

Well.. been as though I have 2 huge exams in the next couple of weeks (first one on friday, ahhh) I thought I'd help you struggles out there who just can't find the motivation to put pen to paper!

My Personal 10 steps to revision success:

1. Find a good place to work, it should be quiet and uncluttered.

2. Draw up a revision timetable - this has helped me a lot!

3. Don't just read through your classwork, make notes, lots of notes! It doesn't matter how much paper you use, it will help it go in a lot quicker if you repeat what you have written.

4. Make flashcards for certain topics (Write a question on one side of a piece of card and the answer on the other) 

5. NEVER do work in/on bed, your bed should be a sanctuary not a desk.

6. Seek help, if you're stuck, ask someone!

7. Take 10 minute intervals regularly, it always helps me if I sit and talk to someone for a few minutes about non-exam stuff :)

8. Try and do as many past papers as possible, then it won't be totally unexpected in the exam.

9. Relax, the worst thing you can do is stress and cry about it! Work hard and concentrate and the time will fly by.

10. Do as much revision as possible, whenever you can - short bursts of 1/2 hour revisions throughout the day are better than long chunks of 6 hours.

This website really helped me, have a look!:

and remember, don't stress!!

Good luck everyone who has a levels/GCSE's in the forthcoming weeks!

Thursday, 3 January 2013

What's in my makeup bag?

Just an insight into what I wear on a daily basis...

001: Brow Zings - Benefit
002: "that gal" Primer - Benefit
003: they're Real mascara - Benefit
004: Studio Fix Fluid foundation - MAC
005: Sugarbomb blusher/bronzer - Benefit
006: Sun beam highlighter - Benefit

(I like Benefit make-up)

001: I only bought this in the summer, and it's still looks brand new by the amount I've used (I use it everyday) Being naturally blonde, I have quite light eyebrows, so this makes them look darker and more defined. It comes in different shades to fit the colour you want, and you 2 different brushes and mini tweezers too.

002: This primer was really good in the beginning and made my foundation last all day. It comes out as a pinky colour, but stays clear when you apply it to your face. After using it everyday for about 6 weeks, it ran out. Being quite expensive it wasn't really worth the amount, for the time it lasted. My gran was there when I first bought this, and you kindly bought me some more for christmas, without me knowing. Worth a buy, if money is no object.

003: This mascara is honestly a godsend!!! My lashes look 10x longer and thicker when applied. 
(yes, that picture is my real lashes!) They look thick but don't look too un-natural so people think they're fake. A bit pricey at £18.50 but defiantly worth it for the outcome.

004: I love this foundation! Very easy to apply with a brush/finger tips. It comes in lots of different shades to fit anyone perfectly. The only problem is it needs a powder/bronzer on top to let it set. I find that most MAC makeup is always perfect and worth the heavy pricing.

005:  (Below) Another brilliant product from Benefit Cosmetics! With it's brilliant 4 different colours, it can be used for blusher and bronzer or you could just use whatever colour for whatever mood you're in. Defiantly one of those products for life!!!

006: I got this smaller addition highlighter free in Elle Magazine, but I'm defiantly considering buying the bigger one when this one runs out. It fits my skin tone perfectly and makes my eyes look a lot brighter. I was a bit causes of trying highlighter because I didn't really see the point in it, but since trying it there is no going back!

Twitter - @gabbynewmanx
Instagram - gabbynewmanx

Gabby X

Jewellery Haul

Just a quick post to show you guys some of my favourite jewellery. The good thing about all of the jewellery i'm about to show you is that it's all very neutral and I'd say classic, so it will never go out of fashion.

Left: Blue Oval Ring: New Look - 
I love this ring because it compliments any plain/boring looking outfit, it has a few stones missing around the outside because I've worn it so many times and dropped it (being my clumsy self!!)

Middle: Gold Triangle Ring: Topshop - 
I got this ring in the summer sale at £2.50 (top bargainer) I wear it with literally everything because it's so simple but looks so good. The only problem is, with it being fake gold it turns the bottom of your finger green.

Right: Black Oval Ring: Vintage - My mum passed this ring down to me a couple of years ago, but I've only just really started wearing it because it's so precious to my family. I like to wear it for special occasions and not really casually every day, going shopping/whatever.

Cameo necklace and bracelet: River Island - 
I know I included the necklace in my last post but how could I not include it in my favourite jewellery, they're just too beautiful. Like I said before, I don't wear the bracelet much because I'm not a bracelet person, what so ever. But they're so gorgeous to look at I don't really mind I wasted my money. My favourite all time pieces of jewellery, by far!

Flowery Earrings: Primark -
I never normally buy things from Primark because they never last but I am so surprised with these! I've had them for nearly 2 years or so and they haven't broken at all.. (they're really delicate as well which is weird) The floral pattern/renaissance(ness) about them just made me fall in love.

Coral butterfly earrings: Topshop - 
I absoloutley love these butterfly earrings, but never wear them because they're quite uncomfortable and really large (which you can't tell in the picture) I usually only wear them on holiday - which I have no idea why. 

Twitter - @gabbynewmanx
Instagram - gabbynewmanx

Gabby X

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

OOTD - 2/01/13

Today, I went shopping in mansfield (a little town near where I live) I literally found nothing in the sales, such a waste of the day when I could of been revising! Anyway this is what I wore...

Ok, this picture doesn't do this outfit justice what so ever, but I thought I'd post a quick picture before I go round to my friends house! 

Oasis: Fur lined parka - If you read my last post you'll know I bought this when I went shopping last weekend, it's perfect for this weather, because of it's detachable fur lining.

Topshop: 'Leigh' Jeans - I bought these jeans back in September when I started college. I always find it difficult to find jeans that fit me (being around 5'9) most of the time the length just isn't long enough. So I was so surprised when the TALL range in Topshop were too long (yes, too long!!!!) and the normal range actually fit me for once. These are softer than normal denim so they're super comfortable to.

Tkmaxx: Cream Blouse - I must admit, the blouse looks horrible in this photo, probably because it's half covered up but you know. It actually has the cutest peter pan collar and gorgeous sleeves, attached below is a picture of them! 
So adorable, I know!

Primark: Brown boots - These boots go so well with nearly every outfit, and being from primark it doesn't matter if they get wrecked or not! I'm surprised in myself that I haven't scruffed them up yet (being the clumsiest person alive) and the fact they're only suede.

Zara: Brown bag - I got this bag for christmas, but I've wanted it for so long. My mum normally never listens to me when we go shopping together, but I must of gone on about it so much this year, she got the picture. I'm a bit of a bag-aholic myself, and this bag is the most perfect addition to my collection.

River Island: Cameo necklace - You can't actually see in this photo but I am actually wearing a necklace. It's the cutest cameo necklace, which I got from River Island along with a matching bracelet (which I have no idea why I bought because I am not a bracelet person what so ever) I've attached a picture below of what it looks like close up...

Gabby X

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Favourite Christmas Gifts.


 I'd like to start by saying this post isn't to brag/show off, (If you feel that way please feel free not to carry on reading) I asked instagram what they wanted, and my favourite gifts was very popular.

I know this post if way overdue, but as you may/may not already know, I only started blogging yesterday so wouldn't of been able to do it any sooner anyway! I don't know any of the prices of these products, as they were all presents :(

Here goes...

Benefit: they're Real! mascara - 
I've had this product 3 or 4 times now, it's honestly like a miracle in a tub (/container or whatever it is haha) It is the best mascara I have ever bought, and I can honestly say I will not be using another until they stop selling! I luckily already have quite thick and long lashes so I don't find the use out of false ones very often, so this is perfect for party lashes/ normal everyday lashes too!

Yankee Candle: Baby Powder - 
I've had yankee candles before, (it's like a tradition between me and mum to buy each other one every christmas) because I have a candle obsessed family! but I think my mum decided to buy me this one because I have a strange obsession to baby smelling products. I always buy baby bath products from the supermarket because they smell and feel amazing! (Recommending it to everyone who thinks I'm weird right now) I wasn't let down by the scent of this candle either, my favourite Yankee so far!

Cath Kidston: Laptop case - 
For anyone who doesn't know me personally, I am the most girliest (if that's even a word) person you will ever meet. I love everything Cath Kidston/flowery and my room is full up of it! I've had a  macbook for a couple of years now,  and take it to college with me literally everyday. I think my mum bought me this because she knew how much my laptop was getting bruised about just chucked in with all my folder. I love the colours of this case, so me!

Oasis: Fur lined parka - 
Ok, I'm going to confess, I didn't actually get this in the sale, I got it when I went sale shopping at the weekend, but I bought it with the money I got for christmas so that sort of counts, right?
Although a bit pricey (£88!!!) I fell in love straight away, the fur is detachable so it's perfect all year round.

Gabby X


I would just like to start by saying happy new year to everyone! I hope you all had a good one whoever you spent it with!

As promised, here's my outfit from last night...

I got the Urban Decay naked 2 for christmas so this was a perfect opportunity to use it!

Gabby x